Asocolflores and Fedecacao commit to Colombia

Flowers and chocolate—two of Colombia’s trademark products. Seen my many as competitors, flowers and chocolate come together to demonstrate that love and respect for others is fundamental to tackling the challenges the future holds.

The Association of Colombian Flower Exporters, Asocolflores, and the National Federation of Cacao Growers, Fedecacao, two of rural Colombia’s most important trade associations, announced an alliance designed to send the country a message of love, solidarity, and hope.

The two organizations will carry out the “Commitment from the Heart” campaign over a four-month period that starts today. With support from the Ministries of Agriculture and Commerce as well as Procolombia, they will use social media to carry out activities that promote harmonious relationships among Colombian citizens; and promote the idea that Colombians’ share responsibility for the wellbeing of their communities, helping to build the country we all want.

According to Asocolflores and Fedecacao, this is a prime example of how the business community can and should accept responsibility for the country’s social capital, widening its vision from employees to employees’ families and society as a whole.

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