
What we do for our associates?

Develop innovation and investigation projects for the flower sector:

  • Programs:technological reconversion, soils and substates, crops protection
  • Partnerships with investigation institutes
  • Project SGR: greenhouses, substrates, automated machinery, fertilizers and nutrition, hydration, photo selective nets.
  • Project SENA: greenhouse ventilation systems

Managing and sharing knowledge:

  • Technical documents: infographics, videos, reports and articles.
  • Training events.

Managing resources for innovation and investigation in the flower sector through partnerships with national and international entities.

Phytosanitary issues

  • Actions plan for phytosanitary protection.
  • Support for regulation issues and phytosanitary control.
  • Development of technical cooperation for investigation agreements.
  • Technical support for importation and exportation of floriculture supplies and finished products.

Other entities

Partnership ICA – Ceniflores Asocolflores
Vegetal Health Course 2019
Some remarkable achievements

Design and building of new greenhouses that are adapted to local conditions and eco- physiology of cut flowers culture.

  • Proposal for a passive heating system that fulfill the heat requierements inside the greenhouses with the least environmental impact. This project is located in the biosystem of the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Chia.
  • Design, construction and evaluation of automated systems of classification and packing of roses. They allow to process a greater quantity of roses per hour thanks to a image processing software.
  • Design, construction and evaluation of automated fumigation systems of cut flowers cultures. They allow a more uniform application and efficiency for phytosanitary control with up to 5 beds covered per minute.
  • Effect of photoselective nets on quality, productivity and frequency of pests in cut flowers cultures. The evaluation propose the use of the two colors pearl and red with 30% and 40% somber shades, enabling physiological enhancements on roses, carnations and alstromerias.
  • Prototypes of fertilizer irrigation systems adapted to local areas of cultures.
  • Evaluation of nutritious formulas for roses and carnations with a focus on nitrogen reduction.
  • Development of an alternative substratum to the rice shell for above ground cultivated roses and carnations.

Innovation Products

  • Validation of bio-technology products for floriculture. (AGROSAVIA agreement)
  • Development of alliances under the triple propellers innovation model (University / Company

Integral training Plan PIF

Led by the Social Responsibility Unit at Asocolflores and working with all the other units, the PIF plan offers every year special training programs covering various relevant floriculture topics, adapted to all levels in the 3 participating regions.



Ceniflores is the Colombian Center for Floriculture Innovation and was created on August 19th of 2014 by Asocolflores as a non profit organización with the objective of formalizing research in the sector.

ICA Ceniflores Alliance Asocolflores

Vegetal Health Course

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