
West Center Office

Regional Offices

RCO - West Center Office

There is a great demand amongst national and international markets for tropical flowers and foliages. The West Center region offers the greatest diversity of them and optimal condition for ornamental production. With the aim to strengthen the producers and generate new opportunities, it has been necessary to continue working on our plan to create new growing areas and/or renewal of crops. 16 producing companies of Pereira have increased and renewed their growing areas.The sown seedlings in these new areas came from the same parcels in order to guarantee their optimum development under the sanitary protocols of ICA.

Sensitization, training and divulgation

With the help of public and private alliances , the West Center region is working actively to strengthen the associate by organizing special programs for all the actors of the productive chain.

  • Trained people: 307
  • Training topics: Biological pest control, diseases and weed control, ICA normativity, soil biology, Control biológico de plagas

In terms of positive reputation construction of the national floriculture, Asocolflores and Flowers of Colombia worked hand by hand with the West Center region to set up several events and activities:

Expotrópica 2018

The best comercial tropical flowers and foliages exhibition took place on the famous Pereira Plaza between the 23 and 26 of August. Thanks to the support of the Department of Agriculture and several public and private allies, Risaralda positions itself as a proud flower producing region, host of one of the most important biennial flowers and foliages event of the country. Expotrópica is not only the best place to make business, exchange experiences and information about markets and identify opportunities, it’s also the place to be in order to live Colombian floral art and culture at its finest with activities such as:

  • Floral exhibitions
  • Potential customers participation
  • Flower set-up in the frame of the event

Environmental management in the West Center Region

Environmental agenda “Carder” responding to the needs of training of the tropical flowers and foliages producers with an environmental workshop covering the following topics:

  • Suitable management of soils – bio-factories
  • Soils conservation through coverings applications – microbials
  • Environmental normativity
  • Septic tank use

Promoting the implementation o environmental and agricultural best practices:

Several training were done on-site to producers with an emphasis on the following topics:

  • Relevance of organic fertilizers for tropical crops
  • Toxicology of agrochemical products and required protection elements
  • Use of scythe as a soil protector, etc.

Resources management

The West Center office managed resources up to 323 million Colombian pesos, collaborating with entities such as the Pereira City administration, Carder, Government administration of Risaralda and the Water and Mobility institute of Pereira.

Sustainability - Social Dimention West Center Region

In the frame of the agreement with the Pereira city administration, more than 100 women and young women from the Mundo Nuevo rural area have benefitted from social and technical help. Also, flower and tropical foliage producers have renewed and improved their production, adding up to 10 hectares of culture.  


SIFLOR 2018 Led by the Antioquia Regional office with the support of Expoflores from Ecuador, Siflor has promoted the competitiveness of the Colombian floriculture for more than 26 years. Thanks to its organizing committee, Siflor shares the most relevant trends and news, design a complete event agenda and manages to involve the most important experts.

Regional authorities

We represent our affiliates working hand by hand with eastern Antioquia municipalities, studying and optimizing the land organization plans (PBOT) so that they facilitate the development of Flower growing companies. We ensure that our activity is considered as primary agricultural activity in order to lower the taxes affecting our affiliates. Work sessions are made with the local Colombian Treasury entity (DIAN) to ease all customs and tax processes for our affiliates. Also, the rules on flowers hoods labelling was clarified. With other inter professional organization from Antioquia, we participate to all the regional activities promoting the competitiveness and growth of the productive sector. We are also member of the CORNARE board of directors, representing the private sector. We are the sponsors of major local events such as “Feria de las Flores” or “fiestas del toldo” in Medellin, bikes & Flowers in La Ceja. During the last edition of “Feria de las Flores”, more than 700.000 stems were given while in La Ceja, more than 45.000 flowers and 129 bikes.

Waste management in Antioquia

With the “Green Development” agreement signed between Asocolflores and Cornare, we help managing dangerous wastes and minimizing their impact. With the help of Corporacion Campo Limpio, Lumina, Ecocómputo and Ascrudos, we recollect significant amounts of toxic wastes in affiliated companies. For standard wastes, management is made thanks to an agreement with the FOGA.  Patrocinamos eventos regionales de importancia como la feria de las flores en Medellín y fiestas del toldo, las bicicletas y las flores en la Ceja, Antioquia. En la feria de las flores se donaron aproximadamente 700.000 tallos y en las fiestas de la Ceja 129 bicicletas de flores y 45.000 flores.

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