Terms and Conditions


In compliance with Law 1581 of 2012 and regulatory decree 1377 of 2013, ASOCOLFLORES, as the person responsible for the processing of the personal data of the holders that rest in its databases, has adopted these Information Treatment Policies to guarantee That the collection and treatment of personal data complies with current legal provisions.
The policies comply with the duties established in Law 1581 of 2012, as well as Regulatory Decree number 1377 of 2013, in relation to the adoption of an internal manual of policies and procedures for adequate compliance with the data protection law , as well as to regulate the procedures for the collection, handling and processing of personal data of affiliates, non-affiliates, suppliers of goods and services, exhibitors, attendees at the Proflora fair, employees, former employees, governmental and non-governmental entities, to facilitate the export of flowers; which are collected by ASOCOLFLORES.


This policy applies to all holders of personal information that is used and / or found in the ASOCOLFLORES database, such as affiliates, non-affiliates, suppliers of goods and services, exhibitors, attendees of the Proflora fair, employees, former employees, governmental and non-governmental entities to facilitate the export of flowers; ASOCOLFLORES acting as responsible for the processing of personal data. Both the person in charge and those in charge, it is understood, employees, contractors and third parties must observe and respect these policies in the fulfillment of their functions and / or activities even after the legal, commercial, labor or any kind of ties have ended. Similarly, they undertake to keep strict confidentiality in relation to the data processed. Any breach of the obligations and, in general, of the policies contained in this document must be reported to: Asocolflores@asocolflores.org This Privacy Policy establishes the terms in which Asocolflores uses and protects the information that is provided by its users to time to use your website. This company is committed to the security of its users’ data. When we ask you to fill in the fields of personal information with which you can be identified, we do so ensuring that it will only be used in accordance with the terms of this document. However, this Privacy Policy may change over time or be updated, so we recommend and emphasize that you continually review this page to ensure that you agree with such changes.

This Privacy Policy establishes the terms in which Asocolflores uses and protects the information that is provided by its users when using its website. This company is committed to the security of its users’ data. When we ask you to fill in the fields of personal information with which you can be identified, we do so ensuring that it will only be used in accordance with the terms of this document. However, this Privacy Policy may change over time or be updated, so we recommend and emphasize that you continually review this page to ensure that you agree with such changes.

Information that is collected

Our website may collect personal information such as: Name, contact information such as your email address and demographic information. Likewise, when necessary, specific information may be required to process an order or make a delivery or billing.

Use of collected information

Our website uses the information in order to provide the best possible service, particularly to maintain a register of users, of orders, if applicable, and to improve our products and services. It is possible that emails will be sent periodically through our site with special offers, new products and other advertising information that we consider relevant to you or that may provide you with some benefit, these emails will be sent to the address you provide and may be canceled anytime.

Asocolflores is highly committed to fulfill the commitment to keep your information safe. We use the most advanced systems and constantly update them to ensure that there is no unauthorized access.

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