
What we do for our associates?

Asocolflores has been working on initiatives that positively impact the environment. In the last five years it has managed to reduce energy consumption by 61%, and 44% of the water used by floriculture companies comes from rainwater. Additionally, and thanks to constant monitoring the use of chemical pesticides has been reduced to 43%

With this commitment to the environment came ‘The Route of Sustainability’, which objective is to give all the actors involved in the production and marketing of flowers and ornamentals better knowledge, tools and guidance to ensure that their economic activities develop in a sustainable way. Its methodology is based on accompanying, step by step, the producer in the implementation of good environmental, social and quality practices on their farms.

Tingua, an aquatic and endemic bird, impacted by pollution in all the Bogota Area, has become the icon of the sustainability route, in which issues related to soil conservation and responsible use of fertilizers, integrated waste management, Pesticide reduction, biodiversity conservation, carbon footprint, measurement of resource use and associated impacts, among others, guarantee better socio-environmental performance of crops.

This initiative is technically based on “Florverde Sustainable Flowers”, the most complete standard in the market, based on more than 20 years of experience in the development, promotion and responsible implementation of sustainable agriculture practices. It audits and contributes to the continuous improvement of producers throughout their value chain at social, environmental and economic levels; It also has social level approvals with the Rainforest Alliance and Global G.A.P. at the environmental level, among other stamps of international relevance. Currently in Colombia there are 2,215 certified hectares, leading to 40% of exports being certified under this seal.

Dimensión Social (Dirección de Responsabilidad Social)

What we do for our affiliates is to develop an agenda of programs and activities aligned to the needs of workers in the sector and the communities where our associates operate: Housing: Asocolflor-es-hogar Recreation: regional Olympics and festivals Education: Scholarships and tutoring Communities: Learning communities, art and sports schools “Growing peace in Family”

Environmental Dimension

Strengthen the environmental management of affiliated companies with the implementation of programs for:

  • Water management and conservation
  • Integrated Wastes management
  • Pesticides and fertilizers responsible use and
  • Biodiversity and landscape protection
  • Use of renewable energies
  • Carbon footprint management

Economical Dimension

Focused on strengthening the competitiveness of our affiliates for the economic viability of the business. Through:
  • Facilitate the development of sustainable production chains .
  • Promote tax incentives for environmental actions.
  • Develop and socialize market and value studies for sustainable flowers.
  • Generate alliances that allow to optimize the operation of the floriculture sector, through agreements for cost optimization in an associative way.


Road to Sustainability

With the Asocolflores “road to sustainability” program, we work alongside our affiliated companies to implement the best environmental, social and quality practices in order to become more sustainable and competitive. This methodology, its resources and information tools are offered freely to affiliated flowers and ornamentals growers.

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